Sub insultMe(ByVal Src As Object, ByVal Args As EventArgs)
    'Declare Arrays
    Dim aryAdjectives(8) As String
    Dim aryNouns(6) As String
    'Fill Adjective Array
    aryAdjectives(0) = "dumb, "
    aryAdjectives(1) = "stupid, "
    aryAdjectives(2) = "inbread, "
    aryAdjectives(3) = "fat, "
    aryAdjectives(4) = "smelly, "
    aryAdjectives(5) = "pansy ass, "
    aryAdjectives(6) = "bubble blowing, "
    aryAdjectives(7) = "Firefox using, "

    'Fill Noun Array
    aryNouns(0) = "Dunce"
    aryNouns(1) = "Wanker"
    aryNouns(2) = "AOLer"
    aryNouns(3) = "Microsoft Fanboy"
    aryNouns(4) = "speck"
    aryNouns(5) = "Pig"
    'Declare Variables
    Dim strName As String = txtName.Text
    Dim strAdjectives As String = ""
    Dim strNoun As String = ""
    Dim numAdjectives As Integer
    Dim numAdjSel As Integer = 0
    Dim numNounSel As Integer = 0
    Dim randomNum As New Random
    Dim n As Integer = 1
    'How many adjectives to be in the loop
    numAdjectives = randomNum.Next(1, 3)
    'Chose the Adjectives
    For n = 1 To numAdjectives
        numAdjSel = randomNum.Next(1, 9)
        strAdjectives = strAdjectives & aryAdjectives(numAdjSel - 1)

    'Chose the noun
    numNounSel = randomNum.Next(1, 7)
    strNoun = strNoun & aryNouns(numNounSel - 1)

    'Complete the procedure, add the text to the text box
    lblInsult.Text = strName & " is a " & strAdjectives & " " & strNoun & "." & "<br />" & lblInsult.Text
End Sub